Mental Health

Inner Child Healing

Wow what an amazing experience I needed that so much!

The Best Sleeps

I can’t recommend the Harmonic Egg enough! After my

A Profound Experience in the Harmonic Egg

Stepping into the Harmonic Egg was an experience beyond anything

Army Veteran, Mental Chatter, Personal Trainer

The Harmonic Egg was unlike anything I have ever experienced

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) - French Testimonial

Lorsque je suis venue pour la première fois au Sanctuarium,

Chronic Back Pain

My experiences in the harmonic egg were intended to address

Depression - Saved My Life

When I met Brittany and the Harmonic Egg (Betty-Lou), I

Mental Health Recovery

Harmonic Egg Saved my life. 0:00 /5:47 1×

Prolonged State of Fight-or-Flight

My experiences with the Harmonic Egg have been truly transformative.

PTSD, Severe Anxiety

My name is David and I am writing this to