Harmonic Egg Owners

Dog Remote Session

Shout out to Tammie Starnes at Abundant Healing NJ. She

Impactful Healing Modality for My PTSD / CANCER

In the relatively short amount of time that the Harmonic

Lime, Tinnitus, Eczema

My name is Urszula. Just wanted to share my experience

Suffering From Trigger Thumb

I am so grateful for my experience at Harmonic Egg

Beautiful Experience

The harmonic egg was such a beautiful experience! Margaret was

PTSD, Severe Anxiety

My name is David and I am writing this to

Negative to Joyful After HE Session

I started off my day sad and negative. I was

Heart Rate Improvement

Mónica from Harmonic Egg of the Carolinas is a gift

Harmonic Egg Exceeded My Expectations

I’ve had the privilege of multiple sessions with Janet

Trauma from Daughter's Birth Released

I have so many thank you to write since Elsbeths