Harmonic Egg Owners

30 Years of Pain! Relief after One Session in the Egg

For many years I experienced pain in my lower back,

Stress and Grief

When I went for my first harmonic egg treatment, we

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) - French Testimonial

Lorsque je suis venue pour la première fois au Sanctuarium,

Healing the Soul!

My sessions with the harmonic egg were both fascinating and

Weight Control & Hormonal Balance

It is my second time using the Harmonic egg here

Space Clearing

As the guardians of the Montreal Harmonic Egg, we recently

Depression - Saved My Life

When I met Brittany and the Harmonic Egg (Betty-Lou), I

Dog Remote Session

Shout out to Tammie Starnes at Abundant Healing NJ. She

Impactful Healing Modality for My PTSD / CANCER

In the relatively short amount of time that the Harmonic

Lime, Tinnitus, Eczema

My name is Urszula. Just wanted to share my experience