Emotional Release

Shoulder Pain, Sinuses

"Back for I think my fourth visit. On my

Circulation, Clear Minded

So glad I went; I actually felt circulation around my

Great Results, Relaxed, Centered

I was excited to experience the Harmonic Egg. The experience

Dental Work, Pain Management

I had a tooth pulled and bone graphing done in

Depression, Calming Chaos, Dealing with Suicide

The Harmonic Egg saved my life! I know that might

The Experiences of a Teenager

I’ve been attending the Harmonic Egg off and on

Sleep During Pregnancy

Golden Age Healing Arts, has been an absolute ray of

Autism / Awesomism Greatness!

0:00 /0:30 1× I took Sofe to her

Detox, Energy, Clarity

”Great detox, brought clarity of mind, I feel better physically,

Amazing! Wellness. Super Charge.

"Amazing! It's really hard to put the