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Emotional Release

Forgiveness, Processing Emotions, Focus

Jean, since beginning my work with you and the Harmonic

30 Years of Pain! Relief after One Session in the Egg

For many years I experienced pain in my lower back,

Stress and Grief

When I went for my first harmonic egg treatment, we

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) - French Testimonial

Lorsque je suis venue pour la première fois au Sanctuarium,

Child with Speech Delays

As a mother, it’s heartwarming to see my child

Healing the Soul!

My sessions with the harmonic egg were both fascinating and

Chronic Back Pain

My experiences in the harmonic egg were intended to address

Rheumatoid Arthritis (French Testimonial)

Ma première session était plus par curiosité et pour me

Weight Control & Hormonal Balance

It is my second time using the Harmonic egg here

Feels Like A Massage! Great First Experience

This will be my testimonial. This was my first experience