Kidney Issues Linked to Childhood Feelings: Criticism, Shame, and More!

I have an AWESOME TESTIMONIAL that warms my heart.

I have a 70 year old client who I have spoken about in past center owner meetings who has had low kidney function over the past 14 years. He was as low at 44% in 2012. When he came to Light Pathways in June of 2022 he had been able to raise his numbers, through lifestyle change and changing eating habits. When he arrived on our doorstep he was at 60%. Over a 10 session protocol in a 6 month period of time his numbers increased to 78% so needless to say he was thrilled. They dropped down a bit for a time but we continued to do sessions about every 2 weeks for the past year and they are back on the all is good!

That alone is super exciting but, here is the most awesome part... He came in this week and mentioned something about anxiety that he was having around an issue in his life, a minor one at that. I asked him when he might have had the same anxiety in his work. He has spoken many times about work over the past 18 months, so it was a very natural question for me to ask. He started sharing a few of his work experiences. So, I felt called to pull out my information about kidneys and the mind body connection and beliefs/emotions that he might have had in the past or now. Because of his very strong belief in the western medical model, to this point the subject of emotions was not somewhere he wanted to go. He just was not there.

So, I pulled out Louise Hayes book "You Can Heal Your Life" and read the emotional connection to kidney problems...which were: criticism, disappointment, failure, shame...and reacting as a child. He just looked at me and was dumfounded and said "that is what I felt as a child". I suggested that he be open to more insights coming to him during his session in the Egg...So he did his session and when he got out he started sharing a few things from his childhood that came up when in the Egg and said, maybe THAT is why I have kidney problems...I just smiled and confirmed the connection between emotions and dis-ease in the body. I commended him on his being open to self-reflection and the commitment he has had to heal.

What an incredible example of someone hanging in there and now being open to connecting to all the physical issues to his emotional state in life. He had to be ready to open the door to the emotional component that we all know drives all illness. When he left he he said " That was the best session so far" Hard to put words to my feelings. I am an EMDR practitioner of 24 years and have seen a lot of movement from clients and very quickly, so this is familiar territory for me. I think that what is so profound is that it took him 18 months of commitment to reading the physical messages defined by western medicines (blood work every 3-6 months) before he was ready to take it to the next step and begin understanding himself at a deeper level!

LOVE THIS WORK that we are all called to do... that of holding space for others to heal. What an honor !!! It is such an incredible time to be alive and to watch the healing of humanity one person at a time! Blessed to be an "Egg Guardian"

Hugs to you all!!!

-- DJ Toohey