Harmonic Egg

Reduce inflammation and stress

"I have experienced several sessions in person as well

PTSD - first responders and veterans

"When I was in the midst of a journey

Reset the Nervous System, regulate hormones, improve immune function

"As a competitive endurance athlete. Doctor of Oriental Medicine,

Profound shifts

"I've experienced many different healing modalities and

Detox Heavy Metals, Anxiety, Panic Attacks

"I love the Egg. Everywhere I go I tell

Relief from Flight or Fight / Freeze

"The Rocky Mountain Harmonic Egg has changed my life.

Pet Detox from eating a lead rope

“I had a dog mom whose dog ate lead. She

Cats - weight loss, hair falling out, vomiting, crying, defecating...

“My 9yo cat was ill just prior to my egg

Rescue dog and trauma help

“I have had my rescue dog, Evie, for 2 years.

Dogs - OCD and Seizures

“I brought both my dogs to a session. One is