Army Veteran, Mental Chatter, Personal Trainer

The Harmonic Egg was unlike anything I have ever experienced before. Being an anxious and on the go person, I have sought out different forms of relaxation via yoga, meditation and breathing techniques. These have helped but I was never able to completely shut off my mental chatter and fully relax. Going into my first session with Courtney and the Egg I was a little skeptical (as I am with most relaxation methods since historically they have not worked for me) but as I settled in, set my intention, and let the music and lights bombard me, I was hit with a sense of true relaxation. I am more than happy with my experience with the Egg and will continue to utilize it in my health protocol. I would highly suggest anybody with high stress or anxiety give it a shot and see how it can positively affect you.
-Taylor Benavidez, Army Veteran, CPT
Train With Taylor
